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계정으로 로그인 기능이 2023년 11월 16일 중단되었습니다.

아이보스 계정이 사라지는 것은 절대 아니며, 계정의 이메일 주소를 이용해 로그인 하실 수 있습니다.

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페이스북 Meta Report 개인정보

2023.07.02 21:37


조회수 170

답변 1


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관리하고 있는 페이스북 페이지에 아래와 같은 메일이 왔는데 무슨 문제가 생긴걸까요??ㅠㅠ

제목 : Your ad account is disabled and your ads have been paused !


Recent reports indicate that your account has been spreading potentially hazardous content, which is a clear violation of our Community Standards and Terms of Service.

We want Facebook to be a welcoming and safe space for all users. As a result, any behavior that violates our Community Standards is filtered and permanently prohibited.

If our activities are deemed to be illegal, our users can file an appeal and request that a human review be conducted.

Please see the symbol below for further information about the status of your website.

The petition is available at https://www.facebook.com/1290736881534274.


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